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Pilates: Força, resistência, flexibilidade e saúde
Pilates: Força, resistência, flexibilidade e saúde

No âmbito das Deals of the Week, a categoria de Pilates está com 5% de Desconto esta semana. Se és um profissional do...

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Slam Balls: Explosividade e Força num só equipamento
Slam Balls: Explosividade e Força num só equipamento

Um requisito quase "obrigatório" em qualquer ginásio ou espaço fitness, as Slam Balls são a escolha de muitos atleta...

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Elásticos e Bandas: Como dar um bom uso a estes acessórios de Fitness?
Elásticos e Bandas: Como dar um bom uso a estes acessórios de Fitness?

Muitas vezes "descartados", os Elásticos e Bandas podem mesmo ser um excelente complemento num treino. São muitos os...

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Massagens nos Planos de Treino: por que as devo incluir?
Massagens nos Planos de Treino: por que as devo incluir?

Incluir Massagens no Plano de Treino é um "must have" que qualquer Personal Trainer deve aconselhar. Um pós-treino...

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DIAS SEM IVA: Dá um "BOOST" à tua carreira
DIAS SEM IVA: Dá um "BOOST" à tua carreira

Os DIAS SEM IVA da BOOMFIT são uma oportunidade única de apetrechares ainda mais o teu espaço de fitness ou,...

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Veröffentlicht in:"2019"

  • 10 Christmas Gift Ideas for Fitness Lovers [2019]
    10 Christmas Gift Ideas for Fitness Lovers [2019]

    The holiday season is officially open! You know what that means, don't you? It's time to start thinking about Christmas presents. We all have a friend or family member that loves fitness, to whom we will offer a gift. Amid so many options, it becomes difficult to choose the perfect gift. That's why we have created a list of 10 gift ideas for your fit friend! 1. 2.2-liter bottle To be fit, you need to stay hydrated! With this 2.2 liter bottle, you don't have to worry about getting dehydrated....

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  • Bodyweight Workout: The 12 Best Pieces of Equipment
    Bodyweight Workout: The 12 Best Pieces of Equipment

    There are several ways to work out to achieve your goals. These include bodyweight workouts. As the name implies, it consists of exercises that use your body weight as resistance. These workouts have been gaining a lot of popularity in recent years. That's why we've put together the 12 best equipment for you to try in your next bodyweight workout: 1. Suspension training straps Suspension training is one of the best when it comes to working your stability, coordination, and strength.  With...

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  • 6 Benefits of doing Dips
    6 Benefits of doing Dips

    With so many exercises to choose from when training, it becomes difficult to create a workout plan with the most effective exercises that will bring you the best results. Today, we’re going to talk about an exercise that is extremely effective for upper body training. However, it is not as adopted as it should be. The exercise in question is the chest/tricep dip.   Therefore, we listed 6 reasons why you should incorporate dips into your workout plan! 1. Allows you to add extra weight Dips...

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  • 9 Benefits of using the Battle Rope
    9 Benefits of using the Battle Rope

    Battle ropes are, currently, one of the biggest fitness trends. You've probably already seen the equipment in your gym or on social media workout compilations. Battle ropes can be used for specific exercises, as finishers for your workout, or to create complete routines. In this article, we show you 9 reasons to start using battle ropes! 1. Train your whole body With just one piece of equipment, you can train almost all of your muscles. Obviously, the rope works the upper body the most, but...

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  • How much time should I rest between sets?
    How much time should I rest between sets?

    By now you know that to achieve your fitness goals, the most important factors are your diet, workout plan and rest. Within each of these variables, there are several factors. Today we'll talk about the rest time between exercises. Rest time may not be the most important thing in your workouts, but it's something you should control and seek to improve. With this article, you'll know what rest times you should set to achieve your goals. What is the best rest time between exercises? The answer...

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  • How to stay in shape during vacations
    How to stay in shape during vacations

    It's officially summer! And you know what that means, don't you? Vacations. During their vacations, many people like to travel and explore new places. Traveling is an incredible activity however; it can become challenging to stay in shape during this time. But don't worry! In this article, we'll give you 8 tips on how you can stay fit while on vacation. Nutrition 1. Prepare snacks When traveling, one of the easiest ways to control your food is to always keep snacks close to you. Whether...

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  • A Guide on How to Avoid Injuries in the Gym
    A Guide on How to Avoid Injuries in the Gym

    Whether you are just starting to workout, or are already working out for a few years, it's important to avoid injuries so you can reach your goals as quickly as possible. Nobody likes to have injuries. Injuries prevent you from practicing the sports you like. They take away time you could use to improve. And when you come back, it takes some time to get back to where you were before you got injured. It's crucial to stay healthy and free from injury to make the best progress and keep your...

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  • Free Weights vs Machines
    Free Weights vs Machines

    Veja as vantagens e desvantagens de pesos livres e máquinas. Descubra a melhor opção para si! 

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  • Physical Exercise slows down aging
    Physical Exercise slows down aging

    Descubra os resultados de um estudo sobre os efeitos do exercício físico no envelhecimento! 

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  • Does the Ab Wheel work?
    Does the Ab Wheel work?

    Neste Artigo Pode Tirar Ideias Sobre Novas Formas de Utilizar o Seu Balance Station!

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  • 6 exercises to try out with a Balance Station
    6 exercises to try out with a Balance Station

    Neste Artigo Pode Tirar Ideias Sobre Novas Formas de Utilizar o Seu Balance Station!

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