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Barras Paralelas: A versatilidade que podes dar a um treino com um só equipamento
Barras Paralelas: A versatilidade que podes dar a um treino com um só equipamento

As Barras Paralelas da BOOMFIT são o complemento certo para um treino intenso e versátil, que traz dinamismo aos...

Personal Trainer: Como podes combater o sedentarismo na população?
Personal Trainer: Como podes combater o sedentarismo na população?

Quando comparado com Espanha ou França, Portugal tem uma taxa de sedentarismo bem mais preocupante, com apenas 36,2%...

Abdominais: Como criar o equilíbrio perfeito dentro de um plano de treino?
Abdominais: Como criar o equilíbrio perfeito dentro de um plano de treino?

Os Abdominais são dos músculos cujo trabalho é mais difícil, mas que cujos resultados sobressaem quando são...

Corda de saltar:  Um "add-on" em qualquer Plano de Treino
Corda de saltar: Um "add-on" em qualquer Plano de Treino

Se trabalhas com o foco na progressão, a escolha de uma Corda de Saltar pode mesmo ser um "add-on" em qualquer...

Pilates: Força, resistência, flexibilidade e saúde
Pilates: Força, resistência, flexibilidade e saúde

No âmbito das Deals of the Week, a categoria de Pilates está com 5% de Desconto esta semana. Se és um profissional do...



  • 10 At-Home Resistance Band Exercises
    10 At-Home Resistance Band Exercises

    Several accessories help you train at home in a more dynamic, motivating, and even fun way. Resistance band exercises are proof of this.  Exercise bands are an excellent tool to have in your home workout kit since they are available in different shapes and with different types of resistance. What are exercise bands for? Exercise bands are a great addition to your workout since they can be used to work different muscle groups, rehabilitation, or muscle stretching.  Indeed, this was the...

  • 7 Exercises to do with the Medicine Ball
    7 Exercises to do with the Medicine Ball

    Taking advantage of the quarantine time to exercise is an excellent way to spend time and take better care of yourself.  So, today we share with you 7 exercises to do with the medicine ball at home. Benefits of the Medicine Ball This piece of equipment is an excellent ally in sports, whether in the gym or at home.  You can do some exercises with the medicine ball at home and enjoy the advantages of this equipment that is used in the preparation of athletes of different sports. The medicine...

  • 5 Exercícios para fazer no Mini Trampolim
    5 Exercícios para fazer no Mini Trampolim

    Todos sabemos que, às vezes, fazer exercício pode ser difícil.  Não é por acaso que as aulas de jump são das mais concorridas nos ginásios. Estas aulas são compostas por movimentos diversificados e com vários tipos de intensidade, sendo aulas dinâmicas e super divertidas.  E pode estar a perguntar-se: “Mas se estamos de quarentena e não podemos ir ao ginásio, porquê falar dessas aulas?”.  A verdade é que pode fazê-las em casa e para isso só precisa de um mini trampolim. Praticar esta...

  • 3 Workout Routines to try at Home!
    3 Workout Routines to try at Home!

    Whether you are a beginner or are used to training regularly, in this quarantine season, one of the most important things you can do is just move. It's good and healthy for the body and mind. Exercising at home is something everyone should do, especially at a time when the recommendation for social isolation is the order of the day. Therefore, we reveal three simple training routines, for beginners, intermediate and advanced athletes, which can break with the monotony of the day. Don't use...

  • The 7 Best Pieces of Equipment to Workout at Home
    The 7 Best Pieces of Equipment to Workout at Home

    With Covid-19 and the quarantine to prevent the spreading of this viral disease, many gyms are closed, but people still want to stay active. So, we thought about our customers and their well-being and we found the perfect solution for this problem: Working out at home. In order to do so, we selected seven items for your training kit and the respective exercises that you can implement in your home workout, in a complete, safe and efficient way. 7 items to workout at home and exercise example...

  • 10 Christmas Gift Ideas for Fitness Lovers [2019]
    10 Christmas Gift Ideas for Fitness Lovers [2019]

    The holiday season is officially open! You know what that means, don't you? It's time to start thinking about Christmas presents. We all have a friend or family member that loves fitness, to whom we will offer a gift. Amid so many options, it becomes difficult to choose the perfect gift. That's why we have created a list of 10 gift ideas for your fit friend! 1. 2.2-liter bottle To be fit, you need to stay hydrated! With this 2.2 liter bottle, you don't have to worry about getting dehydrated....

  • Bodyweight Workout: The 12 Best Pieces of Equipment
    Bodyweight Workout: The 12 Best Pieces of Equipment

    There are several ways to work out to achieve your goals. These include bodyweight workouts. As the name implies, it consists of exercises that use your body weight as resistance. These workouts have been gaining a lot of popularity in recent years. That's why we've put together the 12 best equipment for you to try in your next bodyweight workout: 1. Suspension training straps Suspension training is one of the best when it comes to working your stability, coordination, and strength.  With...

  • 9 reasons to use the battle rope
    9 reasons to use the battle rope

    Battle ropes are, currently, one of the biggest fitness trends. You've probably already seen the equipment in your gym or on social media workout compilations. Battle ropes can be used for specific exercises, as finishers for your workout, or to create complete routines. In this article, we show you 9 reasons to start using battle ropes! 1. Train your whole body With just one piece of equipment, you can train almost all of your muscles. Obviously, the rope works the upper body the most, but...

  • Free Weights vs Machines
    Free Weights vs Machines

    Veja as vantagens e desvantagens de pesos livres e máquinas. Descubra a melhor opção para si! 

  • Does the Ab Wheel work?
    Does the Ab Wheel work?

    In this article, you'll learn if the Ab Wheel is effective and if it's worth using!

  • 6 exercises to try out with a Balance Station
    6 exercises to try out with a Balance Station

    In this article, you will get new ideas about how to use your Balance Station!

Showing 25 to 35 of 35 (3 Pages)

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