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Barras Paralelas: A versatilidade que podes dar a um treino com um só equipamento
Barras Paralelas: A versatilidade que podes dar a um treino com um só equipamento

As Barras Paralelas da BOOMFIT são o complemento certo para um treino intenso e versátil, que traz dinamismo aos...

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Personal Trainer: Como podes combater o sedentarismo na população?
Personal Trainer: Como podes combater o sedentarismo na população?

Quando comparado com Espanha ou França, Portugal tem uma taxa de sedentarismo bem mais preocupante, com apenas 36,2%...

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Abdominais: Como criar o equilíbrio perfeito dentro de um plano de treino?
Abdominais: Como criar o equilíbrio perfeito dentro de um plano de treino?

Os Abdominais são dos músculos cujo trabalho é mais difícil, mas que cujos resultados sobressaem quando são...

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Corda de saltar:  Um "add-on" em qualquer Plano de Treino
Corda de saltar: Um "add-on" em qualquer Plano de Treino

Se trabalhas com o foco na progressão, a escolha de uma Corda de Saltar pode mesmo ser um "add-on" em qualquer...

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Pilates: Força, resistência, flexibilidade e saúde
Pilates: Força, resistência, flexibilidade e saúde

No âmbito das Deals of the Week, a categoria de Pilates está com 5% de Desconto esta semana. Se és um profissional do...

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Veröffentlicht in:"2020"

  • The 7 Best Pieces of Equipment to Workout at Home
    The 7 Best Pieces of Equipment to Workout at Home

    With Covid-19 and the quarantine to prevent the spreading of this viral disease, many gyms are closed, but people still want to stay active. So, we thought about our customers and their well-being and we found the perfect solution for this problem: Working out at home. In order to do so, we selected seven items for your training kit and the respective exercises that you can implement in your home workout, in a complete, safe and efficient way. 7 items to workout at home and exercise example...

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  • For Personal Trainers! 10 Tips to Get More Clients
    For Personal Trainers! 10 Tips to Get More Clients

    There is no secret formula for a personal trainer to get more clients. That is why success must be embraced as several actions that will allow an approach to potential clients. So, do you want to know how to do it? Stay tuned! The work of a personal trainer depends so much on the list of clients, so, the more consistent it is, the better. But how to create it and how to keep customers satisfied and loyal to your work? It is not enough to try and to strive, because you must create conditions...

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  • 12 Yoga Benefits That Will Make You a Fan of This Philosophy
    12 Yoga Benefits That Will Make You a Fan of This Philosophy

    More than a sport or modality, yoga is a way of being in life, a philosophy of health and well-being. If you are an active practitioner, you have already noticed some benefits of yoga in various areas of your life, both physically and mentally. Interested in finding out more? Stay tuned! The 12 major benefits of yoga 1. Helps to decrease stress Yoga is known to help relieve stress and promote a feeling of relaxation. Therefore, practicing it regularly allows you to change your life almost...

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  • Treino Tabata: O que é e quais os benefícios?
  • 6 Tips to Lose Belly Fat
    6 Tips to Lose Belly Fat

    Having trouble losing that last bit of body fat that doesn't seem to go away? Don't despair, because we have six useful tips, simple to implement in your day to day and that will make all the difference. The main mistake that people make is to think that, for example, to lose belly fat they must dedicate themselves exclusively to the ab workouts. But this is not how our bodies work. 6 tips to get rid of belly fat All bodies were not created equal and, therefore, you should bear in mind that...

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Showing 13 to 17 of 17 (2 Pages)

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