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Barras Paralelas: A versatilidade que podes dar a um treino com um só equipamento
Barras Paralelas: A versatilidade que podes dar a um treino com um só equipamento

As Barras Paralelas da BOOMFIT são o complemento certo para um treino intenso e versátil, que traz dinamismo aos...

Personal Trainer: Como podes combater o sedentarismo na população?
Personal Trainer: Como podes combater o sedentarismo na população?

Quando comparado com Espanha ou França, Portugal tem uma taxa de sedentarismo bem mais preocupante, com apenas 36,2%...

Abdominais: Como criar o equilíbrio perfeito dentro de um plano de treino?
Abdominais: Como criar o equilíbrio perfeito dentro de um plano de treino?

Os Abdominais são dos músculos cujo trabalho é mais difícil, mas que cujos resultados sobressaem quando são...

Corda de saltar:  Um "add-on" em qualquer Plano de Treino
Corda de saltar: Um "add-on" em qualquer Plano de Treino

Se trabalhas com o foco na progressão, a escolha de uma Corda de Saltar pode mesmo ser um "add-on" em qualquer...

Pilates: Força, resistência, flexibilidade e saúde
Pilates: Força, resistência, flexibilidade e saúde

No âmbito das Deals of the Week, a categoria de Pilates está com 5% de Desconto esta semana. Se és um profissional do...


Posted in: "2023"

  • Do you want to have perfect abs? These products are all you need!
    Do you want to have perfect abs? These products are all you need!

    Did you know that perfect abs go far beyond an aesthetic issue? According to experts, abdominal muscles contribute to better spinal stability and facilitate spinal movement. Not training the abdomen can contribute to increased fatigue, fatigue, lower back pain, and even develop poor body posture. Therefore, we suggest you 4 products that will help you get the so desired six pack: Ab WheelThe abdominal wheel will make your workout even more challenging. However, this product offers several...

  • Intense and Fun Workouts with Mini Trampoline Pro
    Intense and Fun Workouts with Mini Trampoline Pro

    There is a wide availability of mini-trampolines in a variety of retail locations, including fitness facilities, specialty stores that sell athletic goods, and general commerce stores.Trampoline leaping, which is sometimes referred to as rebounding, offers numerous health benefits, one of which is weight loss. Do you wish to give it a shot? With the help of Mini Trampoline Pro, you will be able to try intense and fun workouts. How to Use Mini Trampoline Pro for workouts?Running Beginning with...

  • Importance of Warming up and Stretching
    Importance of Warming up and Stretching

    Everyone who works out regularly has to give some thought to the significance of doing warm-up activities. Even though warm–ups usually won't help much in burning calories or muscle building, they are absolutely necessary to ensure that an exercise is successful.Before you even consider going for a run or utilizing the equipment at the gym, you need to make sure that you have completed a warm-up and done a few stretches first. You might be wondering why these things are so necessary. Mental...

  • 12 Minute Workout to Burn Calories after the Holidays
    12 Minute Workout to Burn Calories after the Holidays

    When the Christmas season is over, it's time to get back on track after months of sitting around the table and eating far more than is healthy. You may get back in shape, drop some pounds, and feel great for the new year by using a detox remedy to cleanse the body and starting a new workout and nutrition plan to lose weight.Are you too busy to work out? That's a common sentiment, especially among those who are attempting to adhere to the fitness requirements and clock an hour of activity on...

Showing 13 to 16 of 16 (2 Pages)

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