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Barras Paralelas: A versatilidade que podes dar a um treino com um só equipamento
Barras Paralelas: A versatilidade que podes dar a um treino com um só equipamento

As Barras Paralelas da BOOMFIT são o complemento certo para um treino intenso e versátil, que traz dinamismo aos...

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Personal Trainer: Como podes combater o sedentarismo na população?
Personal Trainer: Como podes combater o sedentarismo na população?

Quando comparado com Espanha ou França, Portugal tem uma taxa de sedentarismo bem mais preocupante, com apenas 36,2%...

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Abdominais: Como criar o equilíbrio perfeito dentro de um plano de treino?
Abdominais: Como criar o equilíbrio perfeito dentro de um plano de treino?

Os Abdominais são dos músculos cujo trabalho é mais difícil, mas que cujos resultados sobressaem quando são...

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Corda de saltar:  Um "add-on" em qualquer Plano de Treino
Corda de saltar: Um "add-on" em qualquer Plano de Treino

Se trabalhas com o foco na progressão, a escolha de uma Corda de Saltar pode mesmo ser um "add-on" em qualquer...

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Pilates: Força, resistência, flexibilidade e saúde
Pilates: Força, resistência, flexibilidade e saúde

No âmbito das Deals of the Week, a categoria de Pilates está com 5% de Desconto esta semana. Se és um profissional do...

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  • Como escolher as Slam Balls para o teu Ginásio ou Espaço Fitness?
  • Quali sono le differenze tra le varie Mini Bande Elastiche?
  • L'importanza di riscaldamento e stretching
    L'importanza di riscaldamento e stretching

    Chiunque faccia regolarmente esercizio fisico deve riflettere sull'importanza di fare esercizi di riscaldamento. Anche se il riscaldamento di solito non aiuta molto a bruciare calorie o a fare bodybuilding, è assolutamente necessario per garantire il successo di un allenamento.Prima di pensare di andare a correre o di usare gli attrezzi in palestra, è necessario assicurarsi di aver fatto un po' di riscaldamento e di stretching. Forse vi chiederete perché queste cose sono così necessarie....

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  • Allenamento di 12 minuti per bruciare calorie dopo le feste
    Allenamento di 12 minuti per bruciare calorie dopo le feste

    Terminate le festività natalizie, è tempo di rimettersi in carreggiata dopo mesi passati a tavola e a mangiare molto più di quanto sia salutare. Per rimettervi in forma, perdere peso e sentirvi in forma per il nuovo anno, potete utilizzare un rimedio disintossicante per depurare il vostro corpo e iniziare un nuovo programma di allenamento e di alimentazione.Siete troppo impegnati per allenarvi? È un sentimento comune, soprattutto tra coloro che cercano di raggiungere i requisiti di una sana...

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  • 8 Leg Exercises to do at Home
    8 Leg Exercises to do at Home

    8 Melhores Exercícios para Glúteos

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  • The 9 Best Fitness Apps [2022]
    The 9 Best Fitness Apps [2022]

    Com tantas apps, a escolha das melhores torna-se difícil. Não se preocupe, nós procuramos as melhores por si!

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  • The 8 Best Glute Exercises
    The 8 Best Glute Exercises

    It's not always easy to know which are the best glute exercises that can help you achieve the goals you desire or to reach the body you want. Besides, what works for some people does not always work for others. You need to take the genetics and body structure of each person into account. However, don't lose hope! With effort and dedication, it's possible to have the glutes that you have always dreamed of.  These glute exercises do not only help to fill an aesthetic will. Having strength in...

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  • How to Read Food Nutrition Labels [The Complete Guide]
    How to Read Food Nutrition Labels [The Complete Guide]

    In today’s society, there’s a lot of food variety available.  It’s normal for you to be confused about how to choose the best food for you. Because of that, we created this guide to help you better understand the food’s nutritional labels. To achieve your goals, you need to know the content of the food you’re eating. Knowing what’s written in the nutrition label helps you to decode the essential information about each food. The nutrition label is a mandatory “food-information” organization...

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  • Suspension Training: Working out has never been this easy
    Suspension Training: Working out has never been this easy

    A single accessory that allows you to perform a wide variety of exercises - this is the promise of suspension training. Curious to know more? Suspension training, also known as TRX training, allows you to perform a complete workout at an affordable price. With suspension training, you can perform full-body workouts and adjust the difficulty of the exercises to your level of strength.  But first, let's explore the history of suspension training! Its origin is quite curious and unexpected....

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  • The Boiled Egg Diet: Everything you Need to Know
    The Boiled Egg Diet: Everything you Need to Know

    For many, the egg is a villain, for others the complete food. Controversies aside, let's explore the egg diet and see whether it's worth a try. Increasingly, the egg has aroused the interest of nutritionists and researchers. In this context, the boiled egg diet is a popular diet that promises rapid weight loss. But does it really work? The egg diet involves consuming this ingredient in your daily diet, along with other clean proteins, vegetables, and fruits. Calorie-free soft drinks, water,...

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  • Deadlift: the 7 Most Common Mistakes
    Deadlift: the 7 Most Common Mistakes

    The deadlift is one of the most complete exercises, that allows you to work on several muscles simultaneously.  Although the deadlift can strengthen the lumbar area, legs, and torso, it also has many other benefits, including: • Improving body posture; • Developing strength; • With a single movement, you can work several muscle groups: the legs, thighs, core, arms, back and shoulders; • Preventing injuries, due to muscle strengthening; • Helping to relieve - in some cases, even eliminate -...

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  • The 6 Best Meditation Apps [2020]
    The 6 Best Meditation Apps [2020]

    Training your mind to be able to control feelings of stress and anxiety. This is one of the main reasons why so many people search for meditation apps. Meditation is a form of mental training, intending to redirect thoughts and energies towards more positive and relaxing themes, actions, and behaviors. Do you want to start taking your first steps in this area? If so, these meditation apps can be a huge help. After all, you can get great benefits here, as meditation is a great ally in reducing...

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Showing 13 to 24 of 34 (3 Pages)

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